The team
Suzanne Iverson Hemberg, PhD, ERT

In addition to the role of CEO, Suzanne Iverson Hemberg, PhD in Immunotoxicology, provides support in drug development and risk assessment of chemicals, with long experience in investigations of the metabolism and tissue distribution of drugs as well as molecular mechanisms of toxicity.
Stefan Czene, PhD

Stefan Czene, PhD in Oncology, provides support in risk assessment of impurities, reagents and intermediates, with long experience in genetic toxicology and (Q)SAR analysis.
Anna Steneholm, PhD, ERT

Anna Steneholm, PhD in Respiratory Toxicology, ERT, provides support in drug development and risk assessment of chemicals, with senior expertise in EU chemical regulations (REACH & CLP) and interaction with regulatory authorities.
Eva-Lena Glämsta, PhD, ERT
Eva-Lena Glämsta, PhD in Pharmacology, ERT, provides support in drug development, with senior expertise in project management and interaction with regulatory authorities.
Hallgrimur Jonasson, PhD, Associate professor
Hallgrimur Jonasson, PhD in Physiology, Associate professor, ERT, provides support in drug development and study outsourcing, with senior expertise in safety pharmacology.
Lizette Granberg, PhD, ERT
Lizette Granberg, PhD in Environmental Toxicology, ERT, provides support in drug development and risk assessment of chemicals, with extensive experience in general toxicology.
Hanna Andersson, Apotekare, MSc
Hanna Andersson, MSc in Pharmacy (research project in genetic toxicology). Provides support in the risk assessment of extractables and leachables (E&L), derivation of OEL/PDEs and study monitoring as well as assisting Sr. Toxicologists in drug development projects.
Luisa Path, BSc, MSc
Luisa Path, MSc in Toxicology (research project in nanotoxicology). Provides support in risk assessment of chemicals and derivation of OEL/PDEs as well as assisting Sr. Toxicologists with product development and regulatory compliance under REACH and CLP.